楼主: yayamontreal
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-28 16:59 | 只看该作者
不管怎么说在这里,中国人还是要互相帮忙的,虽然有的中国人很过分,但是不能一概而论的。既然医生的太太是中国人,那应该通融一下,难道不是吗?规则是死的,人是活的。而且这个钱也不交税,就是自己觉得要收所以才定的规则。这个公平吗?怎么这个做法有点想国内的有些做法呢?- P3 o1 O- V" _) C/ |% J  b, ?8 V
0 H$ Z! b5 L+ n0 @, d& K3 w
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发表于 2009-1-28 17:16 | 只看该作者
既然是国人,我就闭口了。LZ 保重。
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发表于 2009-1-28 19:58 | 只看该作者


Post by flagger
% m9 O0 a' |4 K! K 既然是国人,我就闭口了。LZ 保重。

, B; `. m+ P6 ^4 X4 c啥意思?
, C7 t) `  w' K+ v" z; b4 n- @) p: _9 S& W7 @+ ^9 b+ h) _7 s, y
好像是我的家庭医生。---是不是每周三有一个中文的秘书?5 y1 E; ^' f& F. Z- G! X
( M7 M) I4 ]* q- H

: }4 }; u6 n; X  r谢谢!
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发表于 2009-1-28 20:18 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-1-28 20:31 | 只看该作者
7 A* f/ N4 I! r4 E- E6 U
% [6 J* z2 S# n  f6 {3 L# NI am not a big poster at all.  But this time, for your case, I really want to say something about it.
5 N: U7 W0 Y( Y5 Y$ g
3 V/ Q+ z/ d8 T
- B, G& g" M% iFirst, I want to say that you were absolutely right whereas the clinic was absolutely wrong. Anywhere in Canada, you may have to pay for DOING some tests in private clinics.  However, regardless of public or private, you are absolutely NOT supposed to pay for the explanations from your doctors about the test results because that is a part of doctors' jobs and he/she gets paid for it from the gouvernments already.  I know which clinic it is.  They look unprofessional. A poor clinic, a poor doctor, a poor and bad Chinese wife. Therefore, they just want to charge their patients (I believe they only dare do so for Chinese patients) as much as they can. Actually, it was nothing to do with the secretary because, working for this kind of people, she would be fired if she was good to patients.' f" X, G. f8 ^/ C* W" m: q' K
* W  Z, n3 S8 t: s& |% S% \9 T
Second, stopping seeing this doctor. if not, go to hospitals (NOT CLSC) to take tests, such as blood test, because, after that, you can go to hospitals to ask for a copy of your test results without any costs (you have the right to do so).
9 K* y( K0 K3 Z; a1 o5 V. b
  B: T* L% n+ y1 q# T  cLast, forget about this unpleasant experience because no need and not worth.' A3 v5 M1 \+ i+ _

* D7 N, w: |" x/ ^ ; e" J4 h$ ^# S* w6 b. F
Have a good evening
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发表于 2009-1-28 20:59 | 只看该作者


Post by beginererer
& }0 q9 f5 C; p) A yayamontreal:
  ]# [- N  C% U( c  e
: h/ c& Y& Z; ~- B" \+ WI am not a big poster at all.  But this time, for your case, I really want to say something about it., D% k3 C! z$ K

: P" N- Y" l) U) w# e' w% B
$ `6 b$ c7 C: v. l8 @First, I want to say that you were absolutely right whereas the clinic was absolutely wrong. Anywhere in Canada, you may have to pay for DOING some tests in private clinics.  However, regardless of public or private, you are absolutely NOT supposed to pay for the explanations from your doctors about the test results because that is a part of doctors' jobs and he/she gets paid for it from the gouvernments already.  I know which clinic it is.  They look unprofessional. A poor clinic, a poor doctor, a poor and bad Chinese wife. Therefore, they just want to charge their patients (I believe they only dare do so for Chinese patients) as much as they can. Actually, it was nothing to do with the secretary because, working for this kind of people, she would be fired if she was good to patients.
% a! z8 ^% ]2 v, f7 I" \1 x4 m, n
5 C, t  [' q3 s  a+ Y3 PSecond, stopping seeing this doctor. if not, go to hospitals (NOT CLSC) to take tests, such as blood test, because, after that, you can go to hospitals to ask for a copy of your test results without any costs (you have the right to do so).
2 C0 y1 P5 n1 _6 t! X0 ]6 f' \& J
0 K" b1 S9 x2 e$ s0 GLast, forget about this unpleasant experience because no need and not worth.+ n1 X: F3 Y. p& d8 m

% `# q4 ~5 [8 M- @1 r% y1 y+ V/ @" O
( a/ s) f& l+ @) [Have a good evening

$ H# p: Z+ n2 }. Z9 ^想知道究竟是哪家clinic?谢谢!
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发表于 2009-1-28 21:07 | 只看该作者
1625 De Maisonnoneuve West
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-28 21:12 | 只看该作者
How do you know the address? Do you have the same experience with me?
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发表于 2009-1-28 22:20 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-28 22:53 | 只看该作者
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