楼主: 青果


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发表于 2008-11-6 22:20 | 显示全部楼层

Please do not ruin your life and the baby's life

I am a single mom, with professional job, make money more than most of men, so what, I cannot give my child a happy family, and that is the most important thing in everybody's life. It will affect her/his personality, or say her/his life...
( a1 G( W7 V7 G9 I8 F6 i # T6 S! B) p5 S/ @0 f7 E
The only things I can give are food, clothes, toys, different camps, activities, vacations, etc., even I love her/him so much, I still have limited time to be with her, because I have my job to take care...$ d! ~& E# Y( H
- H" O$ a7 ]7 u' x7 z
She/he will be ok when she/he is little, but you will see the difference when she/he grows up, something you can try your best, but cannot change because it is not a real family." n! z6 }: f' ~$ l+ m6 ^
+ L, ?' [/ `+ O5 C
Believe me, it is better to go through the normal way of life. If you want more answer to your specific questions, you are welcome to e-mail me at freeflying_21@yahoo.ca  \6 Q& b! t7 q* U2 p2 P
: R0 B- J+ P. |8 x( p
Good luck!
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发表于 2008-11-12 17:26 | 显示全部楼层
因果?报应?2 @7 t( D; C7 `/ r
6 E3 |* ^8 B+ g& f+ q  ]; k9 S1 Z为什么不学好的(也就是传统中优秀的)东西,非要把那些反传统的烂货揽在怀里呢?难道没有
- S4 ~$ p4 g! z" c0 C- y' s感到 AIDS 是对这样的现象的惩罚?" c# h% ]- h3 V1 ?( e, b
就是这种现象的发源地----U.S.A. 也在重新倡导把处女留到新婚,* t5 {) c: E0 ?& T
; X( o9 h9 w, ?+ U6 l( b1 {4 k 3 D& f. M+ a$ ]% H9 X
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发表于 2008-11-19 06:42 | 显示全部楼层
) B0 C$ w' Y4 \+ m: K! I孩子既然来了,就留着吧.恭禧你喜添孩子.
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发表于 2008-11-19 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
Post by 我从中国来 6 E8 M* {+ u2 p/ o6 X. `; r
' h# z2 _8 L# w1 A  G- _4 W虽然我们现在是在异国他乡,但是不要忘了自己的皮肤颜色.难不成已经认为自己已经是......
1 L  v2 U: o" Y$ [" f  a& R为什么不学好的(也就是传统中优秀的)东西,非要把那些反传统的烂货揽在怀里呢?难道没有' V( P( x# r. ]# m& b
感到 AIDS 是对这样的现象的惩罚?
. X2 \% `; K" B就是这种现象的发源地----U.S.A. 也在重新倡导把处女留到新婚,
1 O( }* v0 _& Q' p+ h- R9 {看来,我们的有些同胞还是不时髦啊,非要检别人扔掉的垃圾.: E. K" I6 t4 ^3 A) c* R, m

& c* G; D0 \: s( c2 W哎,无语啊

' ^5 O1 p1 k+ F( Y火星人~~~~~~~~
8 `3 u* C, J; X6 R# L
8 O2 T1 v  `8 N( h) p% M
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发表于 2008-11-19 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-19 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-24 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
这位老人讲:堕胎是末日现象.* b6 s7 M+ |4 Y6 \4 ?3 n& r
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发表于 2008-11-24 12:37 | 显示全部楼层

if u have decided to keep this baby

i have some maternity clothes and somestuff for new mom. if ur baby is a girl, i have some babygirl clothing. (if u don't mind). my baby is 5 months old. it is costy to have a baby. flybird_qc@yahoo.ca if u need some information about pregnancy or ... whatever.
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