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发表于 2004-4-4 11:31 | 显示全部楼层

to hp

Post by happymontrea

我真的很高兴! 我为了帮助你们读书人走向社会的努力终于没有白费! 3年后,再回首, 你们会感激我的.

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发表于 2004-4-4 12:28 | 显示全部楼层


:mad: 这个happymontrea是一个可怜虫,现实生活中,既想读书,又拿不到L&B,没有生活来源,连圣诞篮子都变成救命稻草。过后又怕别人看不起他,编出什么有好工作、看不起读书人、去什么地方旅游等等神话不过是自己给自己“梦吹”而已。在网上精神会餐的好处就是可以有一个精神寄托,他的这些话连他老婆都不敢让知道,他越摆出盛气凌人居高临下的姿态,内心之中越渴望美好的生活,不过他这样也只是源木求鱼,饮鸩止渴,离精神崩溃不远了。
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发表于 2004-4-4 17:18 | 显示全部楼层

On New Loan and Bursary!

Hello everyone!  On April 2nd, the New Ministre of Education of Quebec annonced the new Loan and Bursary Policy. For a new applicant of L&B, he will receive more loan and less bursary compared with last year. For details, please visit the web site:http://globeandmail.workopolis.c ... S02?section=Finance

In my point, we'd better not criticise the Chinses students who live on loan and bursary. As far as i know, there are many Quebec student do the same thing. Different people have different professional goals. If you have a good job, you can gain more money and benefit a lot.  If you study in Quebec as a transition or to get a better job, why not. Don't forget, the Quebec gouvernment will balance the distance between the rich and poor. That is to say, even you have loan and bursary . The money you received is just to survive.

New L&B Policy seems much raisonable especially for those who work and pay the tax. The gouvernment can support your study but will give you less gift (=bursary) and lend you more money. So the choice is yours: in theory, if you graduate from university, you will find a good job and you will be capable to pay back your loan. IF you cannot find a job, the gouverment can help you also. Therefore, for the L&B wrong beneficeur, you need to think it over your project. For the tax payer, your money was spent in a good way.

A French-speaking Chinese student in Montreal
I am waiting for your comment!
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发表于 2004-4-4 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
:p :p :p
我觉得  happymontrea说的也有道理,大家听听不同的意见也没坏处。祝各位好运!
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发表于 2004-4-4 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Kevin.

Post by kevinsun
Hello everyone! On April 2nd, the New Ministre of Education of Quebec annonced the new Loan and Bursary Policy. For a new applicant of L&B, he will receive more loan and less bursary compared with last year. For details, please visit the web site:http://globeandmail.workopolis.com/servlet/Content/fasttrack/20040402/LOANS02?section=Finance

In my point, we'd better not criticise the Chinses students who live on loan and bursary. As far as i know, there are many Quebec student do the same thing. Different people have different professional goals. If you have a good job, you can gain more money and benefit a lot. If you study in Quebec as a transition or to get a better job, why not. Don't forget, the Quebec gouvernment will balance the distance between the rich and poor. That is to say, even you have loan and bursary . The money you received is just to survive.

New L&B Policy seems much raisonable especially for those who work and pay the tax. The gouvernment can support your study but will give you less gift (=bursary) and lend you more money. So the choice is yours: in theory, if you graduate from university, you will find a good job and you will be capable to pay back your loan. IF you cannot find a job, the gouverment can help you also. Therefore, for the L&B wrong beneficeur, you need to think it over your project. For the tax payer, your money was spent in a good way.

A French-speaking Chinese student in Montreal
I am waiting for your comment!
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发表于 2004-4-4 22:51 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2004-4-5 09:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-4-5 10:04 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2004-4-5 10:34 | 显示全部楼层

何苦 ?

Post by happymontrea

我失业? 等你们把英语应用能力达到和我一样敢和洋人吵架骂人既流利又不重复的地步再和我竞争工作吧!
Post by happycanada






:confused: 何苦??????
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发表于 2004-4-5 10:54 | 显示全部楼层
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