楼主: april6
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发表于 2006-9-27 15:46 | 只看该作者
I want to invite your mother to live in my house for several days if you need, you may call me at barbara 514-282-9214
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发表于 2006-9-27 19:10 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 12:33 | 只看该作者


失火的第4个礼拜4,终于来人修房子了。# A% r- I/ l& ?. z) H! {! O

( W% p$ U) \3 f1 M! f* T& p* o我娘独自在家,于是拍了些现场传给我看,哈哈,看看有多么的偷工减料!!!
& f( B# E: P: T+ N6 b( M
, G4 S& T5 c" C! l6 P请问这里的房子墙结构是怎么样的呢?% o3 ?' U" i8 a6 P% P( Y+ z9 o& P: F

' E, w1 Y% Y3 [/ [, B4 C- @外墙砖+木方+填充防火棉+面板?
0 \& {+ {0 s9 n1 d
; L2 T( S1 z  _  K冬天岂不冷死了?

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jem'enfous2 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-9-28 14:27 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 14:59 | 只看该作者
再次感谢 firekity ,barbara2002的回复,我妈妈现在在家看房子呢
: F* ?! @/ v7 E+ Y
1 s7 S/ L9 ]. C8 L! K; i& o4 o% qto 3000, 我楼下住的就是JANITOR的女儿,她现在搬去跟爸妈住到BASEMENT了,也没见他们有买保险。:eek!:
0 Y: N' w) m5 Q 9 X: F# N* p+ g: F" [: R* c
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-29 11:55 | 只看该作者
今早木工7点半就来了,忙乎了2小时,接着房东就来,指着那个外墙几里挂拉说了一通,接着就把昨天封上的墙都给拆了(据我妈现场直击告诉我的)1 d4 F  d. d; H3 A& Q  p! ~: K

! Z% d% f/ J0 E1 _现在的墙又变成这个样子了:mad:

306.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 654)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-2 10:47 | 只看该作者
) \/ R6 P. ]& c" S# f8 T5 n
: c$ P7 p8 s4 B% ]: c刚好是月初,所以房东老头也来了.他进来后跟我说我这个月不收你房租啦,你下个月再交,反正我问保险公司要,如果保险公司来问,你就说你不住这里就OK了.
4 o- Y2 K4 j# F5 X9 [
5 [2 X+ g9 C& P, ^幸好还有点人性啊!这可是火灾后最好的一件事了,省下2个月房租
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发表于 2006-10-15 20:22 | 只看该作者
I don't understand. Why is there so much fire? It seems that Montreal is on fire!:confused:
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发表于 2006-10-16 07:43 | 只看该作者
Post by Thames
( U6 {5 b+ i- N4 G, P3 U: b+ ?! v I don't understand. Why is there so much fire? It seems that Montreal is on fire!:confused:
* R3 h3 t( e9 H* Y1 W) @- E
The "fire season" just started, there will be more when it's drier air.  Buy your insurance if worry!
1 p7 b4 n8 t1 m- M: V7 g
" ?9 f2 Q( `7 n2 _' u4 ^[QUOTE=firekity]Red cross offer 3 night stay and full meals,  . . . . , very nice. [QUOTE]+ O2 p9 a0 [: U, g/ D# D' `4 ]
Don't forget to make donations then, that's how they finance their services, u get tax deductable receipts.
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发表于 2006-10-16 18:40 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your reply. But, Beijing is also dry, so are many cities in northen China. However, I've never heard there is a "fire season" in Beijing. Maybe the houses in Montreal are too old and need to be rewired or something.
' O$ I/ o5 S. H  K, o2 }$ k 6 q5 q8 B2 `1 p+ H
I've seen fire once a few years ago. I have to say that it was really frightening when you see the flame in real.
$ o% A3 ]2 H( L% ] ) i  t, b7 z7 H4 R* x
Post by montrealpost
  X+ g- U6 h1 p# h6 O The "fire season" just started, there will be more when it's drier air. Buy your insurance if worry!1 a' b: A% K" g& m0 v' V( U; ^% A
5 h9 a  A: K. ]8 g9 ?
[QUOTE=firekity]Red cross offer 3 night stay and full meals, . . . . , very nice. [QUOTE]
* }- p' Z8 R2 M: P; y0 |Don't forget to make donations then, that's how they finance their services, u get tax deductable receipts.
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