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[社团公益] The Way 基督教會四月份公開聚會

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发表于 2016-4-18 19:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Way 公開聚會,歡迎你親自來遇見神!

日期 | 2016年4月24日
時間 | 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM
地點 | Centre St-Pierre, Room 105 | 1212 Panet St, Metro Beaudry 走路2分鐘

更多認識The Way:
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheWayMontreal

The Way來自一個愛的夢想!我們想像有一個地方,充滿著神無條件的愛。無論我們的種族、經濟能力、家庭背景、性傾向、性別氣質、婚姻狀態、過去的宗教經驗為何,每一個人,都能在這間教會,放心與自在地來認識基督信仰。因為我們相信,神的愛創造我們,並擁抱我們每一個人的獨特!

我們相信神給每個人美好的計畫,而The Way就要讓我們能一起在基督信仰中,發掘自己的熱情,實踐夢想,活出豐盛喜樂的人生!我們更相信,上帝能使我們的夢想與神國度的計畫連結,幫助我們成為改變世界的一份子!

這是The Way的啟航,請帶著你的好奇,帶著你的疑問,一起加入我們!

| 你們的聚會是什麼樣子?


| 你們只講中文嗎?

| 你們是誰?
最初,是兩位台灣真光福音教會所差派的宣教士,豆豆與小嘉,帶著The Way的夢想,來到蒙特婁!接著,幾位當地的基督徒朋友,開始一起聚會,分享信仰。希望你也能成為我們的一份子!

| 我有點害羞,在參加聚會之前,可以先認識你們嗎?

YOU ARE INVITED to our ENCOUNTER Sunday gathering (in Mandarin) of The Way Church in development, an inclusive Christian group that welcomes everyone!

Come and encounter the one true God and the eternal love!

Date | APR 24, 2016
Time | 10:30 AM
Location | Centre St-Pierre, Room 105. 1212 PANET st. (2 min walk from Metro Beaudry)

We have a dream! This dream brings The Way alive!

We imagine a place filled with the unconditional love of God. No matter what our race, socio-economic status, family background, gender or sexual orientation, or religious experiences are, we imagine that, in this group, everyone can come to seek God knowing that they are fully accepted. For we firmly believe that the love of God creates and embraces the uniqueness of every single person.
We believe that God has wonderful plans for us. The Way helps us to build authentic relationship in Jesus Christ, to discover our passion, to fulfill our dreams and to live our life in abundance and joy. Furthermore, we believe that God enlarges our dreams to become part of His kingdom, so that we all can become the answers that the world is eagerly waiting for !

We are setting off on an extraordinary journey. Come and join us!

|What is the gathering like ?
The first part of the service we worship God through singing modern worship songs. Afterwards, our missionaries will share a message. Both before and after the gathering, there is some time for all to connect with each other.

Currently we are a small group with only a few members, so you will have plenty of chance to get to know all of us.

|Do I have to speak Mandarin to join?
At this moment, we sing many English worship songs, yet most of the speaking part is in Mandarin. We will be able to converse with you before and after the gathering in English and/or French. We do envision holding English and French services in the future.

| Who are you?
In the beginning, our missionaries, Doldol and Chiawen, from True Light Gospel Church in Taiwan, came to Montreal with the dream of The Way Church. A few local Christian friends started to gather together and share life and faith. Come and be part of this family !

| I don’t feel quite comfortable going to the gathering yet, can I first know you in person?
Absolutely! We’d love to meet you for coffee or tea! Call us or leave us a message!
thewaymontreal@gmail.com 438-5585992
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