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Maxi fined for pricing error. 定價誤差, Maxi 被罰款

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发表于 2013-9-11 13:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2 Y5 d/ p3 ^/ z  R" j5 z5 NPosted By: Trudie Mason trudie.mason@cjad.com • 9/11/2013 10:49:00 AM
' {* C/ _1 {. N7 _& U6 F: N! t' k4 `0 q% y' w. M
A grocery store in St. Leonard has been fined for refusing to honour Quebec's consumer protection rule on pricing.  
/ @0 [% I! A$ s" E
) `  J7 ?4 \9 j/ u1 s* _A customer caught a pricing mistake and the Maxi supermarket on Jean Talon Street East refused to give that person the item for free, as per the rule on mispriced items under ten dollars.    N# n$ c3 p0 q2 Z- r/ j' w

. ]0 X9 }8 T1 |, m  D. YMaxi's parent company, Provigo, was fined just over five-thousand dollars.
; _9 e. p5 `& t/ ^& h( N
3 ]8 r2 e8 p( C! j% f* GThe laws in Quebec:
' X( O0 w7 g$ I3 {! |8 C
) p. R" ~# \( Z- X, H1 ?" m What happens when the price at the cash is higher than the advertized price?
1 |& j9 q) E$ j2 r, _. K$ q/ P " \4 R! @+ B9 q1 |
In this case, the price accuracy policy says that:
2 ]: k; g: {* ~+ o7 z•    If the advertized price of the item is $10 or less, the merchant must give you the item for free.
0 ]' z4 g4 X  G  X•    If the advertized price is more than $10, the merchant must give you the advertized price, minus a discount of $10.
. S. f( }0 _) M& x" }For example: Josée gets a bike seat at a large store. The price advertized on the shelf is $15.99. At the cash, the bill shows $18.99. According to the price accuracy policy, the merchant must give her the seat for $ 5.99: the advertized price ($15.99) minus the $10 discount., ^" u/ ]& e5 J, |
7 n% W! R: O" w; c: r
Be careful! The rules about getting compensation for pricing errors does not apply on some products. 9 F- d/ S0 J& W  M
  c7 g2 L# D# M0 a

! x: H2 ]7 D, F" K* _4 n9 f Do the rules on compensation for pricing errors apply to all products?
" y5 ^* _7 t  O  a7 O# qNo. They don’t apply when the law prohibits a discount (for example, tobacco products and medications) or when the compensation would result in a price lower than the set minimum price for these products (for example, milk, beer and wine). ' B+ q! {" z  \8 `" ]7 T

  c9 d' N5 E( w+ m5 z
$ y+ x2 s: o! t! }5 P# e: D( t
; Q, H+ y+ L/ w% H. ? What happens if I buy several of the same product and there is a pricing error?
9 E2 z& q8 d8 }& ~* H% w3 \If you buy several identical items and realize, once at the cash, that there is a pricing error, you have the right to get all the items at the lowest price. However, the $10 discount only applies to 1 item. ( B9 L8 v9 T. U0 f8 t( P

- k3 Y. r. i$ a7 E+ T1 yFor example, say you buy 3 razors at $30 each and at the cash the receipt shows $50 for each razor. You have the right to 2 razors at $30 and one at $20 (2 razors at the lowest price and 1 at the lowest price minus the $10 discount). This comes to a total of $80 instead of $150. . r" F5 J- W9 j$ j2 R7 l
0 C. w4 X7 p; |; f; t' d6 D: \
What can I do if a merchant refuses to give me the reduced price I have a right to? 9 c1 @( @* s! ?, X
First, if you are dealing with the person at the cash, you can ask to speak to the manager or the person in charge. These people are generally knowledgeable about how the law works.
4 a! a4 S7 @3 L8 ?
, d% F$ i2 L" M3 G" S; EIf you can’t come to an agreement and feel you have been harmed, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Office. To learn how to file a complaint, visit the Office’s website or call them.
% C1 b- Q. v: @http://www.opc.gouv.qc.ca/Webforms/APropos/LoisReglements_En.aspx
发表于 2013-9-11 14:59 | 只看该作者
本来就应该这样; g. A- M9 A6 v' s; \
Post by helloman;3296585
4 S; t& {! K, I( p! x CJAD
8 |* H: ?( J. e8 ~- B. F$ i) H: P. RPosted By: Trudie Mason trudie.mason@cjad.com • 9/11/2013 10:49:00 AM& L  e( Y0 i. Y6 d& U5 M. W
1 c4 ~. E" [/ Z; L4 V3 `! P
A grocery store in St. Leonard has been fined for refusing to honour Quebec's consumer protection rule on pricing.  
; g' C( b: M, y8 |7 `3 N' U0 X4 n; d* W; P
A customer caught a pricing mistake and the Maxi supermarket on Jean Talon Street East refused to give that person the item for free, as per the rule on mispriced items under ten dollars.  
% R+ ]$ k2 _/ O( F
0 P& J: \1 ~; d0 A9 u3 OMaxi's parent company, Provigo, was fined just over five-thousand dollars.  y% t& c* ]* Q$ ]: o/ ?* ?. F

8 M: W  Q( t+ C! V0 O; |The laws in Quebec:6 ~( O" a8 X& F* y2 _
/ k2 }, k1 ]5 I! V0 h, n) B( s, f
What happens when the price at the cash is higher than the advertized price? ( X. r% T: Q! g; N  |

3 c- q" ~* t5 t! C4 D6 GIn this case, the price accuracy policy says that:
7 q% t  i0 R- p8 O( P•    If the advertized price of the item is $10 or less, the merchant must give you the item for free.3 s- W% C# m, N( O3 o5 [# U
•    If the advertized price is more than $10, the merchant must give you the advertized price, minus a discount of $10.
8 k  A1 H" a# o5 l4 cFor example: Josée gets a bike seat at a large store. The price advertized on the shelf is $15.99. At the cash, the bill shows $18.99. According to the price accuracy policy, the merchant must give her the seat for $ 5.99: the advertized price ($15.99) minus the $10 discount.! R" F. q) h1 ?! y
1 Q2 e! h  V* R8 g# v1 V$ _9 C
Be careful! The rules about getting compensation for pricing errors does not apply on some products. . ^3 x, I5 M1 x$ d# R) v

. ?$ h' V% T' l! \
* W, K2 ^3 I. b. \0 k: y  E Do the rules on compensation for pricing errors apply to all products?
( k0 p: ?# |  w7 V" eNo. They don’t apply when the law prohibits a discount (for example, tobacco products and medications) or when the compensation would result in a price lower than the set minimum price for these products (for example, milk, beer and wine). # m' O' S- b/ _; t9 o4 ~2 M

4 S* W4 X8 Q2 R
, ^8 S3 G& G  O, A! X" @' g) W
" t; i# W/ t4 F3 y0 r What happens if I buy several of the same product and there is a pricing error?
5 l3 B- |3 p) X( S4 I8 mIf you buy several identical items and realize, once at the cash, that there is a pricing error, you have the right to get all the items at the lowest price. However, the $10 discount only applies to 1 item. ' s* r( I6 T! B" Z" I- g5 ]
! n9 L+ x  l3 f" p. L$ M) y
For example, say you buy 3 razors at $30 each and at the cash the receipt shows $50 for each razor. You have the right to 2 razors at $30 and one at $20 (2 razors at the lowest price and 1 at the lowest price minus the $10 discount). This comes to a total of $80 instead of $150. . I) {2 K$ J( x; K5 h, S

  Q3 P; t; u$ y4 K5 A9 G What can I do if a merchant refuses to give me the reduced price I have a right to? ; L$ o5 I% W; A* g# N" R2 Y
First, if you are dealing with the person at the cash, you can ask to speak to the manager or the person in charge. These people are generally knowledgeable about how the law works. ! U; {% ~( A, G, S# L9 j
! b( l1 A4 B  z" V" R
If you can’t come to an agreement and feel you have been harmed, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Office. To learn how to file a complaint, visit the Office’s website or call them." B3 P3 H/ N! i! B( F+ k2 t# x
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