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发表于 2001-2-24 14:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人新买一辆二手车,但不知道如何买保险好?听说“新一代”不错,在那买保险还可以自动成为CAA会员,但我最近怎么都跟新一代联系不上。有那位前辈能指点一下该如何买保险,那家公司较好?. S- ?3 s9 {: T

' n8 j0 p7 M' x. Y5 T多谢!
发表于 2001-2-24 16:25 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-3-4 13:05 | 只看该作者
Hi Friend:
+ i4 n4 T0 ~1 t8 r5 Z# t! Y$ C$ e4 O5 Y! k
You had better call sereval insurance company to get better price.The phone No. can be got from PhoneBook.
) a8 q5 V7 Q: n- N5 m' F5 R
, A; q6 t1 H; l5 x8 [% Q
4 |* n( U" A/ W$ I" pRegards
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发表于 2001-3-5 22:43 | 只看该作者
我准备给我的车投保,但不太了解车辆保险的种类和价格,曾听说有“one way”和“two way”两种,但又有人说“one way”又分两种,到底是怎么回事?这几种有什么区别?不知哪位能帮我指点迷津?
3 l% e5 p. K, \" X4 r9 |) k
. R% j6 n0 b2 [4 `, l( Rkyjane@bigfoot.com
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发表于 2001-3-5 23:09 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-3-5 23:16 | 只看该作者
To buy one way or both way is up to the price of your car. If your car is a new car or worth more than $10000, of course you should buy both way because if you lost your car, you want to die. If the car is cheap, you can buy one way, so if it is your responsibility for the accident, the insurance company will pay for you. Of course, there is some other detail category inside the both way and one way, you can choose.
6 D4 L+ j* {1 B
/ B; z& h. }% eDo not wonder here any more, call the agents and compare their service and prices. That is the best way to learn.
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发表于 2001-3-6 21:54 | 只看该作者
我曾听说车辆保险分为“One Way”和“Two Way”,但最近又得知“One Way”还分为两种。我不知道到底那种说法正确?而几种保险的区别是什么?价格大致如何?
3 U5 W& ~: U- i- r( F  [' F
+ V! I, ~( K+ j( M. I: O1 B# ^The post is from kyjane. To make the BBS in a concise way, the moderator transfered it from a new topic.
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发表于 2001-3-6 23:33 | 只看该作者
The price is difficult to say because it is up to your experience, your driving record, the price of the car, the brand of the car, where you are living, what you use the car to do, etc.! E' c/ Q' n) h- s. a# @

' \! H( C) W, ?Call agents!
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-3-7 04:17 | 只看该作者
我最近打了很多电话咨询有关汽车保险的事,知道onw-way, two-way的说法是不精确的,其实每一种都可以细分下去。另外我知道回答保险经纪的问题需要一些技巧(当然是为了省钱),有哪位能指教一下?
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发表于 2001-3-7 11:00 | 只看该作者
For example, if they ask you "what is the purpose to drive your car?", you can tell them just for back and forth from workplace and buy some groceries".Do not say I will travel around Canada. Of course if you use it to travel from Toronto to Montreal daily, you should tell them the truth. If they ask you " do you have any security device in your car?", you can tell them you have a lock for the steering wheel, of ourse you should really have it. Also for the limit for deductibles, you better choose a little higher if your car is not very valuable, then you pay less for insurance and I believe you do not want to bother insurance company often, because all the money they pay, they will get it back by increasing your insurance rate later.
: G9 A/ ^9 p! b/ u
; Z. t& p; y% _+ j[This message has been edited by vic (edited 03-07-2001).]
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